Everthing’s Coming Up Green
An unexpected early spring and St. Patrick’s Week (Yes, here in Bath the celebrating goes on for a week) makes my whole world look like it is turning green! The Snowdrops and Crocus are sprouting and blooming in the garden. The buds on the Magnolia tree keep getting bigger and bigger with all the warm sunlight and Amy has forced some Forsythia in a vase at the front door. The weather has been unseasonably warm with more warmth and sunshine in the forecast and that means lazy days on the patio instead of on my bed in front of the window. I will love this spurt of spring even when the weather turns cold and blustery again in the next couple months and we know it will – we live in Maine! Like I said, we are also celebrating St. Patrick’s Day here in Bath with Bath Blarney Days! The fun includes a big parade, a soda bread baking contest, lots of special sales downtown many relating to all things green and the highlight this year, Bath’s Blarney Ball. The committee has been hard at work planning this great event with live music (Big Chips Trio), dancing, light refreshments, door prizes and more. I really wish I could attend but I know Amy and Mark will give me a full recap of the party and maybe some pictures – which of course I will share with you. On top of all of that we will make our guests welcome and comfortable, cook fabulous breakfasts and make sure everyone enjoys a bit of the Irish this weekend.