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Banners Over Bath

Banners Over Bath

Every spring Main Street Bath sponsors a public art display called Banners Over Bath. Anyone can pick up a canvas for a small fee and paint a banner to go with that year's theme. The banners are then displayed downtown on the lamppost to brighten up the downtown...

My Favorite Day!

My Favorite Day!

My favorite day in Bath is fast approaching - Dog Days - will be celebrated on Sunday, August 21st. Part of Front Street in downtown Bath will be closed off so we can walk freely with our masters and not worry about traffic. The local shop owners will have stuff for...

Bath Heritage Days

Bath Heritage Days

The excitement is building in downtown Bath for the city's annual festival - Heritage Days. This is four days filled with tons of activities throughout the downtown. It all kicks off on Friday with the Sunrise Rotary's Chicken BBQ which, of course I do not get to...

Doing the Math

Everyone in the tourism business is talking about rising gas prices and if this is going to deter people from taking vacations. I have been thinking about this and did a little math to show people that their vacation costs will not be out of control just because gas...

Winter Beach

Winter Beach

Yet another monster snowstorm is on the way but Amy and Mark decided a trip to Reid State Park and the beach was the order of the day. I stayed home on my warm bed and watched the snow from the window. They did take lots of pictures to share with me which I am passing...

Views from the Windows

Views from the Windows

Another snow storm today so I am inside but it sure looks pretty outside so I took some pictures to share with you. You can see once the storm passed there was a bit of sun peeking out over the rooftops on Pearl Street.