A New Pet Store in Town

Dec 1, 2010 | bath, dog, downtown Bath, Lupi

A New Pet Store in Town
Downtown Bath is always fun to visit when Amy and Mark take me for a walk. I get to look in all the store windows but rarely do I get to go in. Once in a while they take me in the bank or the library but only if it is going to be quick. I get a bit excited with all the attention and these places allow well behaved dogs only. But now things are different. There is a store downtown just for me – Wags and Whiskers! We walked down on Sunday so I could check it out. Unfortunately we missed the visit and pictures with Santa but I did buy myself (okay, I had to borrow money from Amy) a cool ball to play with. I posted a picture of me at the store so you can see how happy I am. They have all sorts of great stuff and I saw those chicken treats that I get once in a while at home so I am thinking they have been shopping at Wags and Whiskers without me. Anyway, when you’re in Bath, check it out. It is a great place to buy your best friend a surprise for when you get back home.


Thank you for a perfect honeymoon stay. Your home is lovely and your cooking is delicious. You’ll see us again.

- Laurie and Kevin

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